Saturday, January 30, 2010

Message from Max Strom: Haiti (30 Jan 2010)

Dear Friends -

We send our prayers and strength to those struggling in the crisis in Haiti and to the loved ones of those who have perished.

Many great teachers tell us that it is in times like these we need to be strong and stay open-hearted, to give our help on the material level as much as we are able, and to give our prayers and courage too. It is also important not to sink into fear and guilt. Those who are in extreme suffering do not need more of these negative emotions, they need our positive energy and courage.

To manage our own feelings when we see fellow humans in a hell-realm it is helpful, as always, to do our practice. Whether it is our prayer, meditation practice, breathing, or posture practice, or better yet - all of them. When we do our practice, we notice that afterwards the world appears a little calmer, and hope begins again.

Breathe into your heart - breathe out from your heart - may we not waste a moment withholding love.

In peace - Max Strom

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