Tuesday, March 16, 2010

马来西亚琉璃光养生世界: 千手千眼觀音閉關 雷久南 博士帶領 @ 15-17 June 2010



马 来 西 亚 琉 璃 光 养 生 世 界
Lapis Lazuli Light Centre
G-8, Block 8, Jalan PJU 1A/20E, Dataran Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-7846 8468 Fax: 603-7846 8467

#click to enlarge#

马来西亚琉璃光养生世界: 接上宇宙慈悲的源头 共創開心幸福的世界 - 梭巴仁波切与雷久南博士主持·@11-14 June2010

"Opening the HEART for a more Compassionate World"
- by Lama Zopa Rinpoche & Dr Lai Chiu Nan

(Simultaneous Translation Provided. )

在這苦難天災多多的時代,也是個人靈性提升突飛猛進的最佳時機,如能接上宇宙,慈悲的泉源-大慈大悲觀世音菩薩,即能與觀音和所有佛及成就者,救苦救難的願力相應。一句Om Mani Padme Hun一聲南無觀世音菩薩能消除怖畏恐懼,苦惱和障礙,獲得喜悅、幸福並增長愛心,慈愛心是一切幸福的根源,無論是世俗的健康長壽、財富、或是超脫生死的大自在和大智慧。開啟和增強慈悲心是最殊勝珍貴的。


最近在各地上映的尋找轉世師父靈童的紀錄片,Unmistaken Child中的袞卻格西在尼泊爾的山洞中苦修二十五年,其間他的修行包括千手千眼觀音修法二千次以上,他的遺體火化後有許多五彩舍利子,而這些舍利子還繼續不斷的生出更多舍利子。




马 来 西 亚 琉 璃 光 养 生 世 界
Lapis Lazuli Light Centre
G-8, Block 8, Jalan PJU 1A/20E, Dataran Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-7846 8468 Fax: 603-7846 8467

Simultaneous Translation Provided. Please refer to file attached or contact Lapis Lazuli Light Centre.

接上宇宙慈悲的源头 共創開心幸福的世界

Opening the HEART for a more Compassionate World

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Message from Max Strom: Haiti (30 Jan 2010)

Dear Friends -

We send our prayers and strength to those struggling in the crisis in Haiti and to the loved ones of those who have perished.

Many great teachers tell us that it is in times like these we need to be strong and stay open-hearted, to give our help on the material level as much as we are able, and to give our prayers and courage too. It is also important not to sink into fear and guilt. Those who are in extreme suffering do not need more of these negative emotions, they need our positive energy and courage.

To manage our own feelings when we see fellow humans in a hell-realm it is helpful, as always, to do our practice. Whether it is our prayer, meditation practice, breathing, or posture practice, or better yet - all of them. When we do our practice, we notice that afterwards the world appears a little calmer, and hope begins again.

Breathe into your heart - breathe out from your heart - may we not waste a moment withholding love.

In peace - Max Strom

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Message from Lapis Lazuli Light Centre Malaysia:



p/s 由于名额有限,和时间关系,希望大家尽早报名!

琉璃光养生世界电话 03-7846 8468


马来西亚琉璃光养生世界 敬启


马 来 西 亚 琉 璃 光 养 生 世 界
Lapis Lazuli Light Centre
G-8, Block 8, Jalan PJU 1A/20E, Dataran Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-7846 8468 Fax: 603-7846 8467

For Dr. Lai workshop in Singapore @ 25 Oct 2009 , pls refer to:


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