Monday, April 20, 2009


FYI & FYR! I just have time to compile and share this info now... Hope it helps! Thx *_^


" Delay intrusive or stressful procedures. The baby should be weighed, measured, and given preventive medications AFTER the feed."

... explained further by my teacher Dr Jean Byrne ( and Siti Norjinah Moin (Director of the Breastfeeding Information Bureau Malaysia - during my Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Course recently early April'09.

* also... baby is not dirty, he/she can be cleaned up after the feed! *

At the first 30-40 min after birth baby have the strongest suckling reflex and more alert/awake that they will easily latch on the mother's breast and start suckling. So, it's the ideal time to start breastfeeding. After that they will be sleepy. The faster baby get the colostrum, the stronger the immunity of the baby. Feed the baby every 2 hours for the first 24 hours (= 12 times breastfeed within 24 hrs) after birth. After that, breastfeed only when bb feel hungry or 'on demand'.

Breastfeed baby don't need water. The mother fore milk (very dilute milk) have enough water for them.

If bb stool is watery or hungry too frequently - bb might get a disproportionately high amount of foremilk, and not enough hindmilk. Baby who is being exclusively breastfed usually has stools which are loose in texture, with small curds that resemble cottage cheese (some say it resembles runny egg yolks), lumpy, seedy, creamy, mustard-like, Light yellow to bright green in color and sweet-smelling if they get enough nutrient from the mother hindmilk.

more @

3 types of breastmilk:
1> Colostrum
 - thick, yellowish "supermilk" that delivers concentrated germ-protecting factors
- has a laxative effect, helping baby clear the meconium (sticky, tar-like and green or black stool that the baby has been storing since before birth or the "byproducts" of building an entire human being for nine months) from her system
- rich in nutrients and antibodies
- rich and high protein than mature milk but less carbohydrates and fat
- may last from Day 1 - 2 weeks after birth
- If colostrum is not suckling out, it will take time to produce mature milk

2> Foremilk
- milk which is first drawn during a feeding
- generally thin and typically lower in fat content, satisfying the baby's thirst and liquid needs

3> Hindmilk
- milk which follows foremilk during a feeding
- richer in fat content and is high in calories
- this high fat and calorie content of this milk is important for your baby's health and continuing growth
* helps the mother to lose weight and the bb to put on weight

So, make sure to let your baby drain one breast before moving on to the other, to ensure that she receives all the benefits of both foremilk and hindmilk. If the bb is still hungry, you could feed from the other side briefly. Start the next feed from the side you fed briefly from.

Hind Milk and Fore Milk & why not to pump until at least six weeks after birth?

Breastfeeding at Birth
(source: Pregnancy -The Complete Childbirth Book by Nutan Lakhanpal Pandit)

Babies born with 3 reflexes:
- Homing in reflex: baby move towards the areola
- Rooting reflex: baby attaches itself to the mother breast's for feeding
- Suckling reflex: baby sucks at the breast

When the baby is breastfed at birth, it immediately learns how to attach itself to the breast and does not struggle to do so after the breast gets filled with milk. Besides they gets some colostrum that protect them from infection.

According to J.C. PEARCE in his Magic Child (1980),'Bonding is stage specific. Nature has designed the bonds to be established in the hours immediately following birth... as is the case of learning to breathe, this is the critical period for bonding.'

J.C further explains when mother breastfeeds her baby at birth, she stimulates all the 5 senses of the baby, ie touch, smell, sight (baby can concentrate on a face 6-12 inches away from its own in the following birth), taste and hearing (since most mother will 'talk' to her baby while feeding). This in turn stimulates the reticular formation of the brain (an area of the brain that receives messages from the 5 senses).  It gives the baby better coordination between the brain and the 5 senses for the rest of its life.

When this happens, 'All adrenal steroid production has completely disappeared in a short time because the infant,in being return to, and recognizing the known,relaxes. He then remains in an alert and yet calm state of mind'.

Breastfeeding in the First Hour After Birth

Tips on Breastfeeding Immediately After Birth



Breastfeeding for Jaundice Baby

Biochemistry of human milk

More info @

Good news! Pn Siti Norjinah Moin also told us that one of the KL hospital have finally agreed to start labour in water. This is a great start,right! Hopefully very soon moms will have the option of giving birth in water naturally.

Waterbirth @ Island Hospital in Penang and Pantai Medical Centre in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

More to share once my notes is compiled, Thx!

with gratitude & love,

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