Monday, December 8, 2008

DIY: Dr. Ros' Garbage Enzyme

my garbage enzyme ~ processing!

Dr. Ros' Garbage Enzyme DIY

It has been a while, I'm using my own garbage enzyme:
- as fertilizers for my herbs and plant
- as a household cleaning liquid
- to remove foul odours, molds and grime in the kitchen and toilet
- as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent
- for laundry washing
- for mopping floors
- as facial toner
- body shampoo

A. Ratio of Making Garbage Enzyme:
Brown sugar/Molasses : 1 - 500g - 1kg
Garbage : 3 - 1.5kg - 3kg
(chop to smaller pieces)
Water : 10 - 5 liter - 10 liter

B. Method:
1. Mix brown sugar with water in a jar, add in garbage.
2. Leave some space for fermentation.
3. Enzyme will form and ready to be used in 3 months.
4. Make sure the container is air tight.
5. Push the floating garbage downward once a while.
6. The enzyme is ready to be used in 3 months. The residue can be reused for the next production by adding in fresh garbage. It can be used as fertilizer by drying the residue, blending and buried in the ground.

When the enzyme is diluted with water, it becomes more effective.

C.The Use of Enzyme:
(For maximum effectiveness, dilute enzyme with water)

1.Fertilizer ~ 1ml enzyme : 1000ml water
2.Insecticide ~ 1ml enzyme : 1000ml water
3.Pesticide ~ 1ml enzyme : 1000ml water
4.Anti-odor/air freshener ~ 1ml enzyme : 200ml water
5.Plant hormone (to get more fruits and flower) ~ 1ml enzyme : 500ml water
6.Shampoo, dish washing detergent and detergent ~ ½ tsp in shampoo
(to reduce the chemical effect ) 1 tsp enzyme : 500ml liquid
1 tbsp enzyme : 1000ml liquid

Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand.

Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials.
Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residue; orange , lemon peel or pandan leave will produce better scent.

The ideal colour of garbage enzyme is dark brown. Add in same amount of brown sugar to re-ferment if the enzyme turns black.

It may have white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter worms in the container, leave it for a while and close the cover tightly.

If you have not gather enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 months fermentation period start from the last day you add in kitchen waste.

Source: Dr. Ros' Garbage Enzyme DIY

For more info, please visit: (Malay)!DuguYHGCFRZQdBQGze5xdILo.BXT/article?mid=396

Let's protect our environment and slow down global warming and its harmful effects together. So that our next generation could live in toxic & pollution free environment.

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