~ Iris Murdoch
I don't know those small tiny plants/herbs (some with flowers) in my garden are so beautiful, till I look into my photographs!
I started to take photos for my plants and herbs since I got my new camera. Even I have not started my photography classes yet till now. Thus, I'm lazy to read on this subject as I've lot more important subjects to focus on. So, my hubby just gave me very brief explanation so that I can start working on my 'project' :P.
Best of all, my plants are absolutely love to pose for the camera! Since then, they blooming beautifully and make me can't stop capturing as much as their photos to see them growing each day! I just love and wish to capture that beauty in my photographs. It look great and elegance while the sun arise in the morning.
"土人参 - Radix Talini Paniculati"


土人参 - Radix Talini paniculati(英)Panicled Fameflower Root
别名: 水人参、参草、紫人参、福参。
来源: 为马齿觅科植物栌兰Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.)Gaertn. 的根。
植物形态: 一年生草本,高达60cm,肉质。茎直立,分技,绿色,基部稍带木质。叶互生,倒卵形或倒卵状长椭圆形,长5~7cm,宽2.5~3.5cm,先端略凹陷而有细凸头,基部渐狭成短柄,全缘。圆锥花序顶生或侧生,多呈2歧分枝;花瓣5,淡紫红色;雄蕊10余枚;子房上位,1室,胚珠多数。蒴果近球形,熟时3瓣裂。种子多数,黑色,有光泽,具微细腺点。花期6~7月,果期9~10月。多为栽培。分布于长江以南各地。
采制: 秋、冬季挖根,洗净,晒干或蒸后晒干。
性状: 主根圆柱形,直径1~3cm,长短不等,有的微弯曲,分枝如人参状,并有少数须根残留。肉质坚实。表面棕褐色,去皮者莫棕色,断面乳白色。
化学成分: 含芸苔甾醇、β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇。
性味: 性平,味甘。
功能主治: 健脾润肺,止咳,调经。用于脾虚劳倦、泄泻,肺劳咳痰带血、眩晕潮热、盗汗自汗、月经不调、带下。
more @ http://www.poptool.net/health/dir_cndrug/f_2/dir_42/zhongyao_837.html
I'm lucky to capture this series this morning!

Pls visit my Facebook for more photos @ http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=32097&l=d4c98&id=667018052
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