Today, Friday (25 Jan'08), I'm cooking everything 'black'...
(i) Black Bean Soy Milk (look very sweet in little apple green color!)
(ii) Black Bean Porridge...

RECIPE (i): Black Bean Soy Milk
Organic Ingredient:
# Black Bean (B/B)
(I forgot how much B/B I soak, about 3-4 cup if I'm not mistaken...hehe... )
Seasoning: (optional)
# Organic Raw Honey
# 2-3 tsp Pre Balance Powder (raw wheat germ, brewer yeast, lecithin)
# 2-3 tsp Black Sesame Powder
# Soak B/B soak at least 4 hours or overnight at room temperature to reduce its acidity and make the grains more digestible
# Wash and drain. B/B become 'bigger' after soak and sprouted.
# I prefer to remove the hulls.
<< Why? Esp B/B and soy bean's hull are high in purine compare to others bean, which will increase the urine acid in the body... My hubby still a semi-carnivor, so I better remove it... However, meat (especially skin and organs) and seafood are much more purine-rich than beans. Beans are considered to contain a moderate amount of purine.>>
# Grind the B/B in a blender. Every 1 cup B/B add 3 cups of water and blend thoroughly. Sieve the mixture trough a cloth and recover the B/B milk. The insoluble material which remains on the sieve is called okara, and can be used as an ingredient for bread making or as feed your plant etc. Continue to blend and sieve until all is finished.
# In a stainless still pot/clay pot/glass pot, boil the B/B milk with pandan leave.
# Heat the milk till boiling point and continue boiling for about 5 to 10 minutes. Keep stirring.
# After cooling, the soy milk is ready and can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 days.
# To serve, add some honey for sweet taste or sprinkle with Pre Balance Powder or Black Sesame Powder
RECIPE (ii): Sprouted Black Bean Porridge
Organic Ingredient: (serving for 2)
# 1/8 cup sprouted black bean
# 1/4 cup Millet (not neccessary to soak as it's alkali food)
# 1/4 cup Quinuo and Buckwheat (soak overnight)
# 500-600 ml B/B milk [from (i) above]
# raisin
vege: (shredded)
# carrot
# lettuce
# sweet corn
# coriander leaves
# Bragg Liquid Aminos
# Organic Spring Vegetarian Dechoice Seasoning
# Grape Seed Oil or Coconut Oil or Udo oil or sesame oil
# In a large pot, bring the B/B soy milk and ingredient (B/B, millet, quinuo and buckwheat) to a boil.
# When the rice is boiling, turn the heat down to low. Place the lid on the pot, tilting it to allow steam to escape.
# Stirring occasionally, until the ingredient has the thick, creamy texture of porridge.
# Add the seasoning, if desired. Turn off the heat.
# Garnish with shredded carrot, lettuce,sweat corn, corinders leave and raisin.
# Top with Oil and ready to be served in warm.
// Oh, I almost forgot my favourite ginger... Yeah, taste nicer with some ginger! (added 29Jan'08)
Further reading:
Black Bean:
Various food types and their purine content:
Black Bean Broth Cures:
Alkaline and Acidic Food Chart:
Bon Appetit!
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
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