My beautician, Stacy, who has been a vegetarian since young for more then 20 years now(if I'm not mistaken, heheh!). She is also an organic/holistic health maniac like me. You wouldn't believe that she is already in her late 40 as she still look very young like 30+. Her skin is still very firm and fair. I'm grateful and lucky to know her since 2004. She is a very sincere, helpful and selflessly sharing with people all the time - lot of not only skincare knowledge but anything/everything related to nutrition, health; we also always discuss about 'self-cultivation' etc... I'm always enjoying meeting her. I went for facial today, as usual after that we will eat and talk. While cleaning the dishes after our lunch, she showed me "Oil Tea Camellia Seed Powder"「苦茶粉」that she bought from Taiwan.

After that, I quickly went to organic shop to buy it. I have tried to clean the dishes, toilet, I even use as body shampoo, cleanser and hair shampoo. I feel good. Please refer to some info as follow.
Happy trying! :P
Gao Jiazhuang Agriculture and Food Co. Ltd is a producer of camellia seed oil. And more important, We are the one-up provider of new natural environmental-protection washing solutions in China.
Camellia seed oil is a top grade edible oil in China, it is called oriental olive oil which is recommended by World Health Organization. Through the ages, camellia oil in China is regard as precious edible oil which once had been paid tribute to the emperor in China.
Camellia seed is all precious. oil tea Camellia trees grow only in south China Mountains. For over 1,000 years, southern chinese not only extracted camellia oil, but also discovered that Camellia seed granules/power was a very good eradicator. In the time there was no soap or detergent, they used this natural eradicator to wash clothes, dishes, even hair for 1,000 years.
Nowadays, detergents are complex chemical products that contain additives, surfactants, whitening agents and activators, optical blueing agents, etc., all of which impact on the environment, when they are manufactured as well as when they're washed away. But our chinese ancestors have over 1000 years cleaning wisdom that was Eco-friendly. We decided to do more reaearch on camellia seed to develop new washing solutions that will protect environment. We want to be the pioneer and leader of provideing new natural washing solutions.
For 2 years, we cooperated with the Institute of Preventive Medicine of Sun Yat-Sen University. We carried out many experiments such as Dtersive efficiency experiments, Acute irritation Test on Skin & Eye, Toxicity Test, and Heavy Metal experiments. We arrived at conclusions that
1. Camellia seed powder is safe, non-toxic, 100% biodegradable.
2. They will not pollute water, air or land when use and disposed of .
3. It also contains natural surfactants.
4. It’s very cleansing. It can remove stains, grease, grime efficiently.
5. It has amaizing capability of eliminate smelly odors.
Now we use camellia seed powder to develop 5 natural washing products:
Household Cleaning pads, Pet washing powder, Dishwasher Cleaning powder, Washing machine cleaning powder, Deodorizing & Cleaning powder.
Now we are proud to say: Generally, our New natral washing products are the perfect substitutes of complex chemical detergents. Moreover it is beneficial to environmental protection and to human health. With this powder, we won’t need chemical detergents any more in our houses.
When our new washing products come into the domestic market, they get the love of the consumers. Now many foreign clients are interested in them, too. We begin to sell them in a few countries.
We welcome all the customers that love green foods and Eco-friendly products to cooperate with us to help people and the nature.
「苦茶粉」又稱「茶籽粉」等,是由苦 茶 渣 ( 一 種 褐 色 粒 狀 的 茶 籽 渣 )磨成粉而成。苦 茶 油 是 臺 灣 人 古 老 的 食 用 油 , 據 說 對 於 腸 胃 較 弱 者 , 有 助 消 化 吸 收 , 改 善 體 質 的 功 能 。 只 要 煮 成 的 麵 或 麵 線 加 上 苦 茶 油 , 就 可 以 食 用 , 或 者 加 薑 炒 一 炒 再 拌 食 。 苦 茶 籽 榨 油 後 , 不 經 人 為 加 工 抽 取 茶 皂 而 剩 下 的 殘 渣 , 應 是 天 然 的 植 物 副 產 品 。 據 說 因 其 中 的 茶 鹼 似 乎 對 水 中 的 軟 體 動 物 造 成 麻 痺 的 作 用 , 而 抑 制 其 活 動 能 力 , 使 其 不 再 危 害 農 作 物 , 所 以 能 應 用 在 防 治 福 壽 螺 。 (引用文)
5. 洗澡用: 将苦茶粉溶泡于热水中,抹拭身体,可代替一般肥皂,适合过敏性皮肤者。
6. 治疗香港脚、富贵手: 将苦茶粉溶于热水中,加一点盐,将患处浸于溶液中三十分钟,晾乾勿擦拭,连续三至四次,可见效。
7.洗发、护发: 将苦茶粉倒在头上洗发,不起泡泡,可达乌亮、柔软、去头皮之效。(小心!勿滴进眼睛,否则会刺痛。)
1. 去油力强——趁热擦洗排油烟机、瓦斯炉面也很好用。
2. 废物利用(乃苦茶油剩下的渣磨成粉)。
3. 不造成水质优氧化。
4. 不招蟑螂。
5. 抹布、菜瓜布不发霉。
6. 不阻塞水管。
Where can I find this powder and how much does it cost?
I'm always impressed by the delicious-looking recipes you come up with although I have yet to try any of them. Keep it up!
Dear Mel,
So sorry for the late reply. You can get the powder (about RM 10.90) from:
Medifood Trading
No 59, Jln SS 18/6, Subang Jaya
47500 Selangor
Thanks for your comments. I'll try to share whenever I'm free.. :P
很高興看到你的BLOG,我想要買苦茶粉很久了,但是不曉得哪里可以買到,真好看到你的BLOG!請問除了Subang Jaya外,還有哪里可以買到呢?
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